FES Electrodes - RehaTrode

VAT ReliefRehaMove Electrode Sizes

FES Electrodes - RehaTrode

One set of reusable, self-adhesive electrodes of good quality. Supplied in a resealable packet. Electrodes are supplied attached to a thin sheet for storage. These are designed for use with the RehaMove FES Cycling system and the Standard Size are normally supplied with each system. 

These electrodes should last for approximately 15 sessions.
They should be replaced on the original backing and sealed into the bag after every use. Store in the fridge if possible.
Can be refreshed with a little water rubbed over the sticky part of the electrode with a finger to extend life. 

Available types: 

  • LARGE - rectangular, large size (7.5 x 13 cms) in packs of TWO 
  • STANDARD - rectangular, standard size ( 5 x 9 cms) in packs of FOUR 
  • OVAL - oval shaped (4 x 6.4 cms) in packs of FOUR

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